Posts Tagged ‘Mike Huckabee’

Help stop retroactive immunity for the telecons!From Sen. Christopher Dodd:

2 July 2008

Friends of CHris Dodd banner


For the last nine months, when retroactive immunity has surfaced, we have been able to delay its passage.

We were able to stop it in December because I had an army behind me.

Two months later, it stalled again — this time in the House.

And last week, we managed to delay action one last time.

But when the Senate returns from the July 4th recess, we will vote on FISA legislation that includes retroactive immunity for telecom companies that may have illegally helped the Bush administration spy without warrant.

It’s a bad bill and we need action to stop retroactive immunity from becoming law.

I’ve introduced an amendment with Senator Feingold to strip immunity from the bill.

This amendment has the support of Majority Leader Reid and Senator Obama, but it needs 51 votes to pass.

Will you sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of our amendment?

Sign on now!

Together, we can prevent this assault on our Constitution.

Let’s do it one more time. With your help, we can stop the further erosion of the rule of law.

We’ll be in touch soon.

Chris Dodd


Bulletin from Texas: Here we go and go and go and go!

4 March 2008

FORT WORTH, TEXAS –Well, the sun is out. The temperature this morning is a crisp (6°/43°), but not prohibitively cold, and the skies are clear across the state. All this means a likely record turnout in a primary election (probably will beat the general election turnout in some years).

What does it mean? Polls show things are very, very tight. The latest is from Zogby.

On the strength of some strong campaigning in Ohio and Texas, Democrat Hillary Clinton of New York has retaken a narrow lead over rival Barack Obama of Illinois in Texas and has dead-locked the race in Ohio, a new Reuters/C-SPAN/Houston Chronicle survey by Zogby International shows.

photo of Barack Obama

This has led one of my friends who is a Barack Obama cheerleader to concede that the senator from Illinois may not give Hillary Clinton the coup de grâce on which the Obamadillos™ were counting (though I question how much mercy might be behind that death blow).

“I unfortunately have to tell you guys that I THINK this will be razor thin,” she said (she often talks in capital letters). “He may win Texas and Vermont, and she will win Ohio and Rhode Island.

“She said last night on Jon Stewart (The Daily Show on Comedy Central – ed.) if its close like it is now she has to stay in for the other big states and said she’d stay in for Pennsylvania (188 delegates-ed), and thats April 22nd.
“So NOTHING will be resolved today!”

photo of Hillary Clinton

How could Sen. Clinton pull off a last-minute touchdown? It’s easier to explain than why someone who is not a sports fan is using a football metaphor. One reason is that Clinton has really put the push on the last few weeks. She and her supporters know it is a do or die situation, and they may get by with a little help from their enemies.